Begun to help connect the global pilgrim community, the Sacred Steps Podcast streams to pilgrims in more than forty countries on six continents.
"Thank you for subscribing to the podcast and for joining our Sacred Steps member community. I'm so grateful for your support! Buen Camino!" - Kevin Donahue
Through Patreon, our members help support the podcast on an ongoing basis, funding recording, production, and distribution costs. Not only do our members lend support to the show, but - through their actions - they inspire and support a community of pilgrims planning their first footsteps of pilgrimage.
Looking for personalized planning assistance for your Camino de Santiago? Join Kevin for a one-on-one video planning call.
In appreciation of our members, we are proud to offer several support levels:
Support the podcast through a simple monthly sponsorship. Your membership helps the recording, production, and distribution fees of the Sacred Steps Podcast.
Access Members join the behind-the-scenes community supporting the Sacred Steps Podcast, receiving personal recognition during newly recorded episodes.
VIP Members are the most recognized supporters of the Sacred Steps Podcast. VIP Members receive all Access Member level benefits, as well the following highly-personalized access:
Join Kevin for a one-hour, one-on-one video call for assistance in planning your Camino, including differences in the Camino routes, suggested gear, daily itineraries, and answers to your questions.
Access Members also receive a personalized "thank you" video from Kevin and personal recognition during newly recorded podcasts.
VIP Members receive a private preview of Kevin's upcoming pilgrimages in a dedicated VIP Member stream.
Access Members are invited to a private, member "Ask Me Anything" livestream with Kevin at least once quarterly. These small group sessions allow members to ask Camino planning questions, discuss the podcast, and engage one another.
VIP Members access "Ask Me Anything" livestream up to one hour before Access Members and receive question priority throughout these small group sessions for Camino planning, discussing the podcast, and engaging one another.