March 23, 2022

S2:E12 Camino Tips from the Little Old Lady Walking

S2:E12 Camino Tips from the Little Old Lady Walking

Known on social media as #LittleOldLadyWalking, American poet, author, and noted Camino de Santiago pilgrim Anne Born ( shares her tips and insights for walking the Camino with author Kevin Donahue (http://www.sacredstepsboo

Known on social media as #LittleOldLadyWalking, American poet, author, and noted Camino de Santiago pilgrim Anne Born ( shares her tips and insights for walking the Camino with author Kevin Donahue (  Anne has walked the Camino ten times and her practical advice on routes, packing, and pilgrim etiquette are the subject of her best-selling book "Buen Camino! Tips from an American Pilgrim". Her newest book, "If You Stand Here: A Pilgrim's Tour of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela" connects readers to historical pilgrims and events as they unfolded at the Cathedral de Santiago de Compostela.



MEET OUR GUEST:    Anne Born

Known on social media as #LittleOldLadyWalking, American poet, author, and noted Camino pilgrim Anne Born ( has walked the Camino de Santiago ten times. An award-winning writer, Anne is the publisher of The Backpack Press. Her writing focuses on family and life in a big city after growing up in a small one. She is the author of “A Marshmallow on the Bus,” “Prayer Beads on the Train,” “Waiting on a Platform,” “Turnstiles,” “Local Color."  Anne has written two books related to the Camino de Santiago: "Buen Camino! Tips from an American Pilgrim" and If You Stand Here: A Pilgrim's Tour of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela." Anne divides her time between New York and Michigan, and the Camino de Santiago in Spain. 



MEET THE HOST:  Kevin Donahue

Husband. Father. Backpacker. Pilgrim. Author.

In 2019, Kevin Donahue set off from his home in the United States to begin a pilgrimage journey spanning both years and miles, walking across continents to the ancient end of the world, to kneel at the tombs of eight Apostles. Available for Easter 2023, Sacred Steps: A Pilgrimage Journal is Kevin's first-hand account of the people and places found along the way to inspire questions and enlighten answers about faith, hope, and love.



Sacred Steps: A Pilgrimage Journal

Available from print and digital booksellers for Easter 2023, Sacred Steps: A Pilgrimage Journal is the first-person account of a reluctant pilgrim navigating the eternal questions of faith while walking along the world’s revered paths. The book follows one man’s journey through Portugal and Spain on the Camino de Santiago, along the coast of the Pacific Ocean connecting California’s Missions Trail, across England’s ancient Pilgrims’ Way, and onward towards Rome via Europe’s forgotten footpaths on a journey of soulful discovery. More than a travelogue, Sacred Steps: A Pilgrimage Journal is a first-hand account of a pilgrim's journey and the people and places he finds to inspire questions and enlighten answers about faith, hope, and love.




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Anne Born Profile Photo

Anne Born


Anne Born is an award-winning, New York-based writer and photographer who has been writing stories and poetry since childhood. She blogs on The Backpack Press and Tumbleweed Pilgrim and her writing focuses on family and life in a big city after growing up in a small one. She is the author of "A Marshmallow on the Bus," "Prayer Beads on the Train," "Waiting on a Platform," "Turnstiles," and “Local Color," and “Buen Camino! Tips from an American Pilgrim.” (The Backpack Press, December, 2017, updated for 2022). Her short essay on the call to the Camino is included in "It's About Time," by Johnnie Walker (Redemptorist Pastoral Publications, 2019).

Her book, "If You Stand Here" is a tour of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela for pilgrims. It focuses not on the dimensions of the building or all the various architectural programs, but on the people who have visited the Cathedral over the past 12 centuries. Her latest, "Buen Camino! Tips From a WINTER Pilgrim" is available in paperback and Kindle.

She a contributor to the 2015 anthology, "Love Her, Love Her Not: The Hillary Paradox," edited by Joanne Bamberger. Anne’s essay on her cousin’s collection of Nancy Drew novels was published in the Silver Birch Press "Nancy Drew Anthology" (2016). She is also curator of the Late Orphan Project and a former contributor to The Broad Side.

Anne is also a photographer, specializing in photos of churches, cemeteries, and the Way of St. James in Spain, the Camino … Read More