Fr. Johannes M. Schwarz

Fr. Johannes M. Schwarz Profile Photo

Priest, Pilgrim, and Filmmaker

Patriarchal Beard Wearer, Long Distance Stroller, Yoghurt-Lover, Ice-Cream-Eliminator, Dog-Whisperer, Cow-Conversationalist, Kangal-Fodder, Mosquito-Snob, and Horsefly-Hitter are only a few of the pilgrimage related epithets that the catholic priest and part-time hermit Fr. Johannes Maria Schwarz has acquired over many miles. The Austrian-born clergyman with a PhD in Dogmatic Theology belongs to the Archdiocese of Vaduz and works on media-related projects in the German-speaking part of the world.

June 2, 2021

15: Ancient Walks in Modern Times | Season One Finale

In the Season One finale, author Kevin Donahue ( explores the meaning of pilgrimage in modern times, with insights from four of this season's guests, including Australian author Claude Tranchant ("Boots to Bliss", "Boots to Freedom"), English author Andy Bull ("Pilgri…
March 10, 2021

10: Fr. Johannes M Schwarz shares his documentary Via Alpina Sacra

From his hermitage in the Italian Alps, Fr. Johannes M. Schwarz ( joins author Kevin Donahue (http://www.sacredstepsbook) to discuss his documentary Via Alpina Sacra. Filmed during his 125-day pilgrimage to 200 of Europe's most remote shrines, this visually beautiful movie follows F…