Dec. 24, 2021

NOW AVAILABLE: Podcast Membership Access

Based on your feedback, I'm really excited to launch membership access to the podcast and some exclusive benefits that are available only in our behind-the-scenes community.

Planning your first Camino?  VIP MEMBERS can schedule one-on-one calls with Kevin to plan their route, discuss packing lists, and advice on backpacks, shoes, and more.  Other unique benefits include member livestream broadcasts and chats, personal recognition on the podcast episodes, and Ask-Me-Anything sessions with Kevin. 

Through our membership parter, Patreon, our members help support the podcast on an ongoing basis, funding recording, production, and distribution costs. Not only do our members lend support to the show, but - through their actions - they inspire and support a community of pilgrims planning their first footsteps of pilgrimage.

Member levels begin at just $3. Click here to learn more on our member benefits