Nov. 22, 2020

0: Welcome to the Sacred Steps Podcast

0: Welcome to the Sacred Steps Podcast

Author Kevin Donahue ( introduces the Sacred Steps Podcast, available on your podcast app for Apple and Google, on Spotify and Stitcher, and as an online video stream at YouTube.

A companion to the book Sacred Steps: A Pilgrima

Podcast Homepage -

Author Kevin Donahue ( introduces the Sacred Steps Podcast, available on your podcast app for Apple and Google, on Spotify and Stitcher, and as an online video stream at YouTube.  

A companion to Kevin's pilgrimage journeys and books (The Pilgrims Table | Sacred Steps: A Pilgrimage Journal), the Sacred Steps Podcast walks virtually alongside authors and pilgrims, connecting a community of pilgrims from across the globe.  

Press "SUBSCRIBE" to have upcoming episodes downloaded automatically to your app. To join the podcast as a guest or share suggestions for an upcoming episode, please visit




MEET THE HOST:  Kevin Donahue

Husband. Father. Backpacker. Pilgrim. Author.

Kevin Donahue began walking pilgrimage routes in 2019, joining the historical footprints of pilgrims seeking places and people to inspire questions and enlighten answers about faith, hope, and love. His passion for these historic footpaths and reflections from the journeys form the basis for his books: Sacred Steps: A Pilgrimage Journal and The Pilgrims’ Table.

Kevin's pilgrimage walks include: Camino de Santiago, Via Francigena, California Missions Trail, Way of St. Cuthbert to Holy Island, and England's Pilgrims Way to Canterbury


Sacred Steps: A Pilgrimage Journal | Free Preview

At the crossroads of history and faith, a reluctant pilgrim embarks on a modern pilgrimage along some of the world’s most revered footpaths. Along the way, he discovers the places and encounters people that inspire questions and enlighten answers about faith, hope, and love.

Available from print and digital booksellers, Sacred Steps: A Pilgrimage Journal conveys both the historical context and the modern experience of pilgrimage through Portugal and Spain on the Camino de Santiago, along America’s Pacific Coast connecting the California Missions Trail, across receding tides to Holy Island, from London to Canterbury along Britain’s historic Pilgims’ Way, and onward towards Rome via Europe’s Via Francigena on a journey of discovery.

The Pilgrims’ Table | Free Preview
Brought together by fate for a memorable dinner, five pilgrims recall their emotional journeys along Spain’s Camino de Santiago. Powerful and moving, The Pilgrims’ Table is an emotional look at the transformational power of pilgrimage.

Born from the intersection of my experiences with those of other pilgrims,  The Pilgims’ Table is the story of five pilgrims from divergent paths who come together at a Spanish albergue. The deeply personal stories shared over dinner transform their outlook on pilgrimage and connect them as one pilgrim family.

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Buen Camino pilgrims and welcome to the Sacred Steps Podcast. I'm Kevin Donahue, Pilgrim, backpacker, and author

On this program, we're walking virtually alongside pilgrims and authors, sharing their stories and connecting a global community of pilgrims to many of the world's most revered footpaths, including the Camino de Santiago, the Via Francigena, Englands Pilgrim's Way, and many others.

If you're already familiar with podcast, please go ahead and do all the things. Hit the subscribe button on your podcast app and leave a comment on a story or walk that you'd like to see featured on an upcoming episode. We stream new episodes of the podcast twice monthly in two formats. The audio podcast, which you're listening to now, and our video podcast streaming on YouTube.

Regardless of the format you choose, you'll find all of the notes from our discussions pinned below in the show notes, making it easy for you to click and experience the routes we're discussing, or to connect directly with our guests.

I started this podcast during the toughest days of the COVID pandemic because I felt disconnected from my pilgrim family and wanted a way to hear their stories once more. In the following seasons, you’ll find interviews with pilgrims and authors who share their pilgrimage experiences. Our conversations include discussions their walks and routes, memorable moments, what called them to pilgrimage and what they have taken away from that experience. Some of our guests are well known in the Pilgrim community. Others will be names that you don't know yet, but whose stories I think you'll really connect.

One thing you see on Pilgrim routes, whether you're walking to Santiago de Compostela, Jerusalem, Rome, or anywhere, really is a human connection that transcends language or culture. Those knowing smiles and nods, a communal meal or a long walk shared on our way, we are all equal. We walk, we. We cry, we pray, we, we feel broken and restored and renewed. And through all of that, and this is really the interesting part for me, we find that we are truly one global pilgrim community.

The good folks at Apple Podcast tell us that we’re now streaming in more than 50 countries, so I hope you'll subscribe to the podcast and share in this greater community of pilgrims from around the world walking together virtually, taking these sacred steps.

Quickly about me. I'm Kevin Donahue. My journeys include several Camino de Santiago walks, the Via Francigena to Rome, the Pilgrims Way from London to Canterbury, and sections of the California Missions Trail as well as the Way of St Cuthbert to Holy Island. I’m broadcasting from our Chez Mer Studios in Florida, where I live with my wife, son, and our dogs. Walking these routes and sharing stories with pilgrims has prompted a lot of reflection and introspection…. and so I’ve also undertaken my first two books about pilgrimage:

The first is called THE PILGRIMS TABLE. It’s the story of five pilgrims who come together over dinner in an albergue at the end of the Camino de Santiago. They share stories and a memorable meal with their host. The book draws from my own experience and those that have been shared with me along my journeys. Maybe you have a story just like those in my first book, The Pilgrims Table.

My second book is actually non-fiction that follows my journeys as a somewhat reluctant pilgrim, walking these routes at the crossroads of history and faith. The book is SACRED STEP: A PILGRIMAGE JOURNAL. I wanted to give the context to the pilgrims who have walked before me as I follow in their footsteps to find questions and enlighten answers to the eternal questions of faith, hope, and love.

I feel as if I still have miles to go, quite literally, before my story is complete, but I'm looking forward to sharing those steps with you on this podcast. If you're planning to walk a pilgrimage or you've already returned, I'd love to connect with you and hear more about your journey. You’ll find the links to our website and social media in the show notes on your podcast app. I hope we can stay connected along the way. The website - sacred steps podcast dot com - also has all of our episodes sorted by the journey, so if there’s a specific route you're interested in, such as Japan’s Kumano Kodo or Spain’s Camino de Santiago, you can easily find those episodes regardless of the season.

Thank you for subscribing to the Sacred Steps Podcast. Please hit the subscribe button on your app so that our future episodes will be available to you automatically. I’m Kevin Donahue. I can’t wait to hear your story and to share these pilgrimage stories with you.

Until next time, be well, stay safe, and buen camino.

Featured Episodes

In back-to-back episodes, author Kevin Donahue discusses walking three historic pilgrim footpaths in the United Kingdom, highlighting a journey of personal, historical, and spiritual discovery along the way.

Britain's Pilgrims' Way
Via Francigena
Pilgrim's Path to Holy Island