Why Do We Seek Pilgrimage?

Pilgrims have embarked on journeys of discovery toward places of faith for thousands of years. While some have pursued natural destinations where the "veil is thin" between Heaven and Earth, others have sought venerated spaces built for worship. The Sacred Steps Podcast examines what calls us to pilgrimage in this modern era, exploring the questions pilgrims carry and the answers they may seek. 

Walking virtually alongside pilgrims and authors, the Sacred Steps Podcast explores the world's most revered footpaths, sharing stories of pilgrimage and connecting a community of pilgrims from across the globe. From the Camino de Santiago through Spain to the Via Francigena across Europe to Italy, the podcast features updates and first-hand accounts from the footpaths of pilgrimage. A companion to Kevin Donahue's pilgrimage books (The Pilgrims' Table and Sacred Steps: A Pilgrimage Journal),  the podcast also introduces several lesser-known journeys, such as England’s Pilgrims’ Way to Canterbury and the California Missions Trail in the United States.


Kevin's first two books, Sacred Steps: A Pilgrimage Journal and The Pilgrims' Table, are scheduled to debut in late 2023.   Click now for more information and to register for exclusive previews before the release!

  Sacred Steps Book The Pilgrims Table